About us

MPharm Herbaceuticals is a Pharmaceutical, herbal company started in South Africa by Pharmacists wanting to make a difference. With a passion to have a positive impact on person’s lives, a lot of effort has gone into formulating good, honest products, with real benefits, but which is safe to use and of the highest possible quality.

This is the legacy we want to leave behind, where our children can take up the reigns and continue bettering the lives of all people long into the future and in all spheres of the world.

With a brace of Master’s Degrees in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Product development, the owners of MPharm Herbaceuticals always strive for perfection in quality, safety, and efficacy throughout the products offered and products still under development.

" With a passion to have a positive impact on people's lives, a lot of effort has gone into formulating good, honest products, with real benefits "

The A-Z of MPharm Herbaceuticals

Active, adventurous, ambitious, Approachable, authentic, bold, brave, bright, bubbly, calm, charming, cheerful, classic, conSdent, conservative, courageous, creative, cultured, daring, determined, diligent, discreet, disruptive, down to earth, dynamic, elegant, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, experienced, fearless, fresh, genuine, graceful, harmonious, healthy, heartfelt, helpful, honest, humble, innovative, inspiring, kind, loyal, mindful, natural, open, passionate, peaceful, positive, powerful, professional, progressive, pure, reliable, responsible, revolutionary, secure, serious, sincere, sophisticated, spiritual, stable, strong, sustainable, thoughtful, timeless, transparent, trustworthy, unconventional, unique, uplifting, versatile, vibrant, warm, wise, x-factor, yes, zealous, zestful